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Healthy Gamer: Parenting in the Digital Age
Welcome, Parents!
About The Instructor
Getting Started: Your Workbook & Support Group (4:18)
Understand: Why Are Video Games So Addicting?
"Where did my child go?' (2:16)
Why Video Games Attract Smart Kids (8:10)
Is it really an 'addiction'? Does it matter? (4:15)
Action Step: Tracking Progress
The "Man Child" (Children Age 23+) (6:18)
Understand: Games Are More Than Just Fun
What Games Mean to your Child (9:52)
Influence of Professional Gaming (13:18)
Your Child's Virtual Identity (6:16)
Your Child's Game Preferences [Part 1] (12:05)
Your Child's Game Preference [Part 2] (9:04)
Action Step: Why Does Your Child Prefer Certain Genres?
Understand: How Do Video Games Affect Gamers' Psychology?
Video Games Create Safety (9:12)
Video Games Create Community (13:28)
The Dark Side of Anonymity (9:26)
The Dark Side of Community (14:22)
Action Step: Understanding Why Your Child Plays That Game
Understand: How Do Games Affect Developing Brains?
The Dopamine Circuit (10:15)
The Triumph Circuit (8:35)
Action Step: Is Gaming Still Fun For Your Child?
Congrats! Time for a Break!
Understanding Recap [Read Before Moving Into Practicals]
Common Issues and Roadblocks
Talk: Setting Yourself up for Success
Different Parenting Styles (7:18)
Competing Interests (8:26)
Action Step: Voicing Your Concerns
Action Step: Diagraming Social Support
Talk: Mental Health
Introduction to Mental Health (5:44)
Relationship Between Video Games and Stress (8:23)
Action Step: Your Child's Support and Stressors
How to Find a Good Therapist (10:08)
Getting Mental Health Treatment
Action Step: Talking About Mental Health
Talk: Affirmations Outside of Video Games
What you can do about it (2:44)
How to Engage with your Children (11:42)
Action Step: How do you Feel as a Parent?
Action Step: Strengths
Act: Set Boundaries
Creating a Weekly Check-In (9:20)
Action Step: Your Child's Boundaries and Responsibilities
Act: Shape the Environment
Control Your Environment (8:36)
Action Step: Getting Other Parents on Board
Action Step: Home Gaming Environment
Act: Create Structure
Structure & Modeled Behavior (7:16)
Action Step: Setting an Example for your Child
Act: Create Alternative Outlets
Different Ways to Support Your Child
Action Step: Replace Gaming with Healthier Hobbies
Action Step: Diet & Exercise Plan
Your Child's Virtual Identity
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